state of decay 2 notes

State of Decay 2 Notes

Explore all of the State of Decay 2 notes in the game including torn journal pages, myserious correspondences, treasure maps and more.

Name Description Type
Addict's Journal
The handwritting looks shaky.

"I'm out of meds and I'm really hurting. If I try to kick on my own, I'll get eaten while I'm down. I've got to find something i can take before I'm too far gone."

Unmailed Letter
Angry Note
Ray, we're tired of waitng for you to deliver on your promises. We're leaving Trumbull.

Scrawled Note
Bloody Note
A bloody note written in shorthand. Many acronyms and strings of numbers.

Written Remnants
Calling Card
A torn-out Bible page lying on the dead body, scrawled upon with red ink:

"The cleansing fire of the Redeemers has claimed this soul for the other side."

The body was beaten to death, the head practically destroyed. Aside from the note, its pockets have been emptied.

Camp Osprey Guidelines
Camp Osprey Civillian Guidelines

-No fires, vandalism, or unruly behavior.

-No loud noises after sundown.

Unauthorized supplies will be confiscated.

-No use of facilities on non-designated hygiene days.

-Remain within your assigned Habitation Sector at all times.

-Evacuees may not leave camp without authorization from the Civilian Control Office.


Written Remnants
Child's Drawing
A sheet of construction paper, Heavily creased. Features a poorly rendered house, next to three stick figures (two tall, one short).

Labeled "For My Daddies" in blue crayon.

Folded Sheet

CLEO Error Log

[T16:02:41.037Z]SourceControl:Error: Error
tocol_DeployAnd Notify.asset-no such file(s)
Attempting 'p4 fstat -Or
[16:02:41.042Z]LogEnum:Warning: In asset
'None', there is an enum property of type
'ECLEOProtocol' with an invalid value of'0'
Masking supported pattern matches of
[T16:02:41.043Z]LogWarning: "This error
shouldn't be possible in a production
environment. If you see this, please email
[T16:02:41.043Z]LogWarning: Warning:
Warning(s) detected. please help us
maintain code quality standards by
addressing these before [REDACTION MASK

Written Remnants
Crude Map
A very poorly drawn map of the area. One site has a doodles of a giant devil with what you can only assume is supposed to be bullet holes riddling it. The other sites look noraml, but one stands out as much bigger.

Crumpled Flyer

We took an oath to protect these people.

We cannot abandon them in their hour of need!

Join our cause. Save our nation.


(last two words crossed out, replaced with "MONSTERS")

Enrypted Note
This entire page is just a string of letters and numbers. It's worthless to anyone other than Captain Logan, the guy who asked us to find it.

Computer Printout
Hand-Written Letter
Baby, I know they want everone with military training at the precincnt, but why does it have to be you? I almost lost you in Afghanistan. Then all the press tours for your book " Eagle Eye" gave this world everything, i need YOU now. Peace and blessings, Felicia.

Journal Entries
Echo Operative TH98, Field Test #1, Day 3: I'm having second thoughts about asking for field work. I'd forgotten how horrible the outside world had gotten.

Torn Page
Note Found at Blocked Tunnel
Timmons says we're to fall back to the mill if we can't hold. God, let us hold.

Scrawled Note
Note Found at Marshall HQ
Jones saw us safely into Marshall from that perch in the Farmlands. We're hoping to find shelter in an electrical shed Jenkins knows in West Marshall.

Scrawled Note
Note Found at Old Mill
Timmons didn't make it outta that tunnel. We're crossing the Farmlands first thing in the morning. Jones set out to find a sniper perch to help cover our retreat.

Scrawled Note
Note Found at the Silo
I'll rendezvous with the survivors from the old mill once they make it to Marshall HQ.

Scrawled Note
Note Found on Dead Scientist
I see it now. I see the truth.
It has built a labyrinth, and now it demands a sacrifice.

Scrawled Note
Note Found on Dead Scientist
How many more must die before the beast is sated? I hope we have enough soldiers left to feed it..

Scrawled Note
Note Found on Dead Scientist
Hoffman must think of herself as Ariadne, and the captain as Theseus.
They are fools.

The labyrinth will consume us all.

Scrawled Note
Note Found on Dead Scientist
Dr. Berg keeps muttering under his breath and it's really worrying me. I tried talking with Dodds but he just tells me to "go complain to the queen." And Hoffmann just ignores me and pokes at her damn samples.

Mom was right. I should have been a dentist.

Torn Journal Entry
Note Found on Dead Scientist
I'm so glad I've been keeping this journal. I can't wait to share it with the colonel whem we get home, so he can see how badly Hoffmann has screwed up this mission.

If she'd only listened to my suggestions when we arrived in the valley, we'd have cleared out Marshall by now.

It's so frustrating to be unappreciated.

Torn Journal Entry
Note Found on Jenkins
Jenkins started to turn and we were out of plague cure. Going back to HQ at the football field seems pointless. I'm heading north toward Fairfield. Hopefully, there's still a way out.

Scrawled Note
Note Found on Last Soldier
Delta squad failed to hold the tunnel to Mt. Tanner and the bridges to Fairfield are out. I'm infected, so Trumbull Valley is where I'll stay. Nobody left to take me out behind the electrical shed, like I did for Jenkins. Forgive me.

Scraweld Note
Old Prescription
For: Lily Ritter
Hydroxychloroquine - 200 mg by mouth every 12 hours (twice a day)

Methotrexate - 7.5 mg by mouth once a week

Prednisone - 20 mg once a day by mouth


Jacqueline Castro, M.D.

Written Remnants
Partial Journal Entries
Captain Sawyer just announced a full evac of the base. Ten bucks says itøs another of her goddamn drills.

Written Remnants
Set of Dog Tags
These dog tags once belonged to a U.S soldier named CHRISTOPHER Z ROBERSON.

Mission Item
Tattered Page

Scrawled Note
Torn Journal Pages
think it's been 7 months since the camp got overrun, but it's easy to lose track of the days. I've been on my own for so damn long. Thankfully I'm not hearing voices yet. I'm saving one last bullet for when that starts. I don't want to be one of the crazy ones. Please God don't let that happen.

Written Remnants
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