Ultimate Bundle
370 modded guns, 100 melee weapons, 10,000 of most consumables and more.
Some of the State of Decay 2 bundles for Xbox & PC include modded guns, melee weapons, consumables, facility mods, crafting items and more.
You will get twelve of every weapon, 10,000 of each consumable, crafting item, ammo type and more.
You will get twelve of every gun, melee and close combat weapon in the game.
You will get twelve of every Daybreak weapon and 10,000 of all Daybreak consumables.
1,370 modded guns, 100 melee weapons, 10,000 of most consumables and more.
You will get twelve of every Daybreak weapon and 9,999 of all Daybreak consumables.
You will get twelve of every weapon from the State of Decay 2 Ultimate Edition.
You will get twelve of every fireworks launcher and 10,000 of each consumable.
You will get twelve of every Anniversary Pack weapon and 9,999 Anniversary Cakes.
You will get twelve of every Trumbull Valley Pack weapon delivered in-game.
Adds 1,000 rucksacks to your supply locker for safekeeping, helping friends and more.
3,350 modded guns total, 50 melee weapons, 9,999 of most consumables and more.
You will get 9,999 Frag Grenades, Sticky Grenades, C4 Charges and more in-game.