AKS-74U Valentine
You will get twelve AKS-74U Valentines delivered in-game to any community.
Explore some of the State of Decay 2 bounty weapons and items available including the AKS-74U Valentine, Spyglass Rifle and more.
You will get twelve M4 CQBR Mob Stoppers delivered in-game to any community.
You will get twelve MP40 Submachine Guns delivered in-game to any community.
You will get twelve Non-Compliant SKS rifles delivered in-game on any community.
You will get twelve Police Sniper Rifles delivered in-game to any community.
You will get twelve RC-9 Police Carbines delivered in-game to any community.
You will get twelve Restored Echo-S7 Assault Rifles delivered in-game.
You will get twelve Sawed-Off Model 1887 Shotguns delivered to any community.
You will get twelve 9mm Pro 986 Revolvers delivered in-game to any community.
You will get twelve Gold Fever Revolvers delivered in-game to any community.
You will get twelve Model 1875 Fuorilegges delivered in-game to any community.
You will get twelve Model 1875 Sceriffos delivered in-game to any community.
You will get twelve High-Angle Rescue Hatchets delivered in-game to any community.
You will get twelve Military Tactical Batons delivered in-game to any community.
You will get twelve Hardy Candy Daypacks delivered in-game to any community.